Available pack size: 15kg
- Podium Start è un alimento completo e bilanciato, studiato per un armonioso sviluppo dello scheletro e dei muscoli del cucciolo.Grazie alla sua formulazione è ideale anche per supportare la femmina dall’ultimo mese di gestazione fino allo svezzamento, consentendo il veloce recupero del peso forma.
PLAYDOG EXTREME PLUS PLAYDOG EXTREME PLUS is a complete food formulated specically to meet the nutritional requirements of particularly active sporting dogs engaged in constant physical activity (hunting dogs and dogs undergoing intense physical training even in particularly harsh climatic conditions). It is also recommended for working dogs and sled dogs. It provides sufcient protein and fats with no need for large, bulky meals. Contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids fatty acids for healthy skin and coat and Choline Chloride to promote absorption of fats and prevent excess fat deposits in the liver.
Our exclusive triple-layer kibble is made with different cooking times for different materials for easily digestible starches. Moreover, animal proteins, minerals and vitamins are blended cold to preserve all their nutritional and organoleptic qualities, without submitting ingredients to an additional heat treatment. "Triplo strato" prevede tempi di cottura differenziati per le diverse materie prime al fine di ottenere un'elevata digeribilità degli amidi. Inoltre, la miscelazione a freddo delle proteine animali, delle sostanze minerali e delle vitamine, preserva al meglio le loro caratteristiche nutrizionali e organolettiche, evitando di sottoporre questi ingredienti ad un ulteriore trattamento termico.
Available pack size: 15kg
PLAYDOG PUPPY is a complete, balanced food formulated specifically to aid growth in puppies of all sizes from weaning up to the age of one year. Contains linseed oil and cod liver oil providing Omega 3 fatty acids to promote optimal retinal development in puppies and Omega 6 fatty acids for healthy skin and coat. Contains Choline Chloride to promote absorption of fats and prevent excess fat deposits in the liver. Contains condroitin, glucosamine and MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) for healthy joint and bone growth.
Our exclusive triple-layer kibble is made with different cooking times for different materials for easily digestible starches. Moreover, animal proteins, minerals and vitamins are blended cold to preserve all their nutritional and organoleptic qualities, without submitting ingredients to an additional heat treatment. "Triplo strato" prevede tempi di cottura differenziati per le diverse materie prime al fine di ottenere un'elevata digeribilità degli amidi. Inoltre, la miscelazione a freddo delle proteine animali, delle sostanze minerali e delle vitamine, preserva al meglio le loro caratteristiche nutrizionali e organolettiche, evitando di sottoporre questi ingredienti ad un ulteriore trattamento termico.
Available pack size: 15kg-4kg
PLAYDOG PLAY Maintenance is a complete, balanced food suitable for all breeds of adult dogs. Contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids for healthy skin and coat and Choline Chloride to promote absorption of fats and prevent excess fat deposits in the liver.
Our exclusive triple-layer kibble is made with different cooking times for different materials for easily digestible starches. Moreover, animal proteins, minerals and vitamins are blended cold to preserve all their nutritional and organoleptic qualities, without submitting ingredients to an additional heat treatment. "Triplo strato" prevede tempi di cottura differenziati per le diverse materie prime al fine di ottenere un'elevata digeribilità degli amidi. Inoltre, la miscelazione a freddo delle proteine animali, delle sostanze minerali e delle vitamine, preserva al meglio le loro caratteristiche nutrizionali e organolettiche, evitando di sottoporre questi ingredienti ad un ulteriore trattamento termico.
Available pack size: 15kg-4kg
PLAYDOG PLAY FISH is a complete, balanced food recommended for adult dogs of all sizes, rich in fish to provide more Omega 3 fatty acids promoting cerebral activity and retina health. Contains Omega 6 fatty acids for healthy skin and coat and Choline Chloride to promote absorption of fats and prevent excess fat deposits in the liver.
Our exclusive triple-layer kibble is made with different cooking times for different materials for easily digestible starches. Moreover, animal proteins, minerals and vitamins are blended cold to preserve all their nutritional and organoleptic qualities, without submitting ingredients to an additional heat treatment. "Triplo strato" prevede tempi di cottura differenziati per le diverse materie prime al fine di ottenere un'elevata digeribilità degli amidi. Inoltre, la miscelazione a freddo delle proteine animali, delle sostanze minerali e delle vitamine, preserva al meglio le loro caratteristiche nutrizionali e organolettiche, evitando di sottoporre questi ingredienti ad un ulteriore trattamento termico.
Available pack size: 15kg-4kg
PLAYDOG PLAY DUCK is a complete and balanced dog food rich in duck, an alternative protein source as a way to provide their dog with an enticing new taste experience, as well as a nutritious meal. Suitable for adult dogs of all sizes and breeds, it contains Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids to keep the coat shiny and bright and minerals and vitamins to provide your dog with all the nutrition he needs.
Our exclusive triple-layer kibble is made with different cooking times for different materials for easily digestible starches. Moreover, animal proteins, minerals and vitamins are blended cold to preserve all their nutritional and organoleptic qualities, without submitting ingredients to an additional heat treatment. "Triplo strato" prevede tempi di cottura differenziati per le diverse materie prime al fine di ottenere un'elevata digeribilità degli amidi. Inoltre, la miscelazione a freddo delle proteine animali, delle sostanze minerali e delle vitamine, preserva al meglio le loro caratteristiche nutrizionali e organolettiche, evitando di sottoporre questi ingredienti ad un ulteriore trattamento termico.
Available pack size: 15kg-4kg
PLAYDOG PLAY LAMB is a complete and balanced dog food rich in lamb, an excellent source of high-quality protein and essential amino acids, which are important nutrients for your dog. Suitable for adult dogs of all sizes and breeds, it contains Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids to keep the coat shiny and bright and minerals and vitamins to provide your dog with all the nutrition he needs.
Our exclusive triple-layer kibble is made with different cooking times for different materials for easily digestible starches. Moreover, animal proteins, minerals and vitamins are blended cold to preserve all their nutritional and organoleptic qualities, without submitting ingredients to an additional heat treatment. "Triplo strato" prevede tempi di cottura differenziati per le diverse materie prime al fine di ottenere un'elevata digeribilità degli amidi. Inoltre, la miscelazione a freddo delle proteine animali, delle sostanze minerali e delle vitamine, preserva al meglio le loro caratteristiche nutrizionali e organolettiche, evitando di sottoporre questi ingredienti ad un ulteriore trattamento termico.
Available pack size: 15kg-4kg
Pettys All Breeds Puppy Chicken is a complete and balanced food suitable for puppies of all sizes, formulated using chicken as the selected source of animal protein. Pettys kibble is made with our exclusive "Triplo strato” che prevede tempi di cottura differenziati per le diverse materie prime al fine di ottenere un’elevata digeribilità degli amidi. Inoltre, la miscelazione a freddo delle proteine animali, delle sostanze minerali e delle vitamine, preserva al meglio le loro caratteristiche nutrizionali e organolettiche, evitando di sottoporre questi ingredienti ad un ulteriore trattamento termico. Con Acidi grassi Omega 3 per lo sviluppo retinico e cerebrale nella fase di crescita del cucciolo, e acidi grassi Omega 6 fatty acids per un mantello lucido e brillante.
It contains FOS and MOS that promote gastrointestinal well-being and support a strong immune system, helping to develop the natural immune defenses, chondroitin , glucosamine and MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) for the development of joints and bones during growth stages, and spirulina to help maintain the vitality and the general well-being of the dog. It also contains yucca schidigera which helps to reduce waste-odour.
Available pack size: 12kg-2kg